Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Raid on Houston 'pill mills'

"The largest offensive ever mounted in the region to crack down on pill mills ..." an article in the Houston Chronicle by Cindy Horswell:

 The flurry of text messages popping up on employee cell phones at clinics and pharmacies in the Houston area sounded an alarm: Don't come to work - and for good reason.
One day last month some 150 investigators swarmed into a dozen medical offices suspected of running pill mills - places illegally dispensing addictive prescription drugs.

Armed investigators continued these sweeping raids for five days until 50 search warrants had been executed. By that time, investigators were intercepting the panicked text messages between employees.

The word was out. And now, thanks to recently obtained records and sworn affidavits, a fuller picture is emerging about the largest offensive ever mounted in the region to crack down on pill mills that have turned an area known for its world-renowned medical center into one that is a national hot spot for prescription drug abuse.

Investigators are sifting through some 3,500 boxes of evidence - enough to fill four rooms - seized during the raids. These boxes contain medical files, financial records and computer data that could be helpful in filing felony charges of medical fraud.
You can read the entire article here.

Rx overdoses kill more than heroin and cocaine

Prescription overdoses kill more people than heroin and cocaine.
An L.A. Times review of coroners’ records finds that drugs prescribed by a small number of doctors caused or contributed to a disproportionate number of deaths.

A powerful piece on prescription drug abuse:http://www.latimes.com/news/science/prescription/la-me-prescription-deaths-20121111-html,0,2363903.htmlstory?main=true